War of Attrition Aligns with Putin’s Goals and Strategy — Expert

The war has transitioned into a phase of attrition, serving the political goals of Putin and his adapted warfare strategy. This perspective was shared by Oleksiy Melnyk, co-director of foreign policy and international security programs at the Razumkov Center, during a briefing on «National Security Threats and Defense Trends in Ukraine: An Analytical Overview of…

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Donald Trump's

Trump’s Plan to End the War in Ukraine May Include a Commitment Not to Expand NATO Eastward — Politico

Donald Trump’s plan for a swift end to the war in Ukraine may involve a commitment not to expand NATO eastward and to allow Russia to retain parts of the occupied territories. This information comes from Politico. «A quick resolution to the two-and-a-half-year conflict in Ukraine is likely to play a key role in Trump’s…

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Rescue Workers Hit by Repeat Shelling in Kherson.

Rescue Workers Hit by Repeat Shelling in Kherson. VIDEO

Last night, during the response to the aftermath of an enemy attack in Kherson, rescue workers came under repeat shelling. It was noted that the Russian army massively shelled the central part of the city overnight. Residential buildings, an educational institution, a medical facility, and an administrative building were damaged. «Several fires broke out. The…

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Shelling of Dnipropetrovsk Region: Number of Injured in Dnipro Rises to 53, Nikopol District Under Drone and Artillery Attacks. PHOTO Report

The number of injured from the Russian attack on Dnipro has increased to 53, while Russian forces continue to shell the Nikopol district. This information was shared by the head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration, Serhiy Lysak, on his Telegram channel. Lysak noted that in Dnipro, according to updated information, there are now 53…

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Drone Operator from 10th Separate Mountain Assault Brigade «Edelweiss» Strikes Enemy Howitzer «Msta-S

Drone Operator from 10th Separate Mountain Assault Brigade «Edelweiss» Strikes Enemy Howitzer «Msta-S,» Causing Ammunition Explosion — VIDEO A Ukrainian drone operator from the 10th Separate Mountain Assault Brigade «Edelweiss» successfully hit and destroyed an enemy «Msta-S» self-propelled howitzer. «A lightweight and stealthy kamikaze drone flew into a hidden and camouflaged enemy 152mm ‘Msta-S’ self-propelled…

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