Trump’s Plan to End the War in Ukraine May Include a Commitment Not to Expand NATO Eastward — Politico

Donald Trump's

Donald Trump’s plan for a swift end to the war in Ukraine may involve a commitment not to expand NATO eastward and to allow Russia to retain parts of the occupied territories.

This information comes from Politico.

«A quick resolution to the two-and-a-half-year conflict in Ukraine is likely to play a key role in Trump’s plans for NATO. As part of his previously unreported plan for Ukraine, the likely Republican nominee is considering an agreement where NATO commits not to expand eastward – specifically to Ukraine and Georgia – and negotiates with Russian President Vladimir Putin about how much Ukrainian territory Moscow can retain,» the publication states.

According to a national security expert familiar with Trump’s thinking, Trump «would be open to something that excludes NATO expansion and does not revert to Ukraine’s 1991 borders. That would be on the table. But this does not mean ruling out any other possibility, including supplying large amounts of weapons to Ukraine.»

Trump has not publicly disclosed his plans for Ukraine, but during his campaign, he repeatedly promised to end the war as one of his top priorities – «before I even arrive in the Oval Office, shortly after we win the presidency.» When asked if he was willing to withdraw the issue of NATO expansion into Ukraine, Trump responded that the promise of NATO membership to Ukraine was «a mistake.»

According to Politico, many in Trump’s camp openly prefer Ukraine to remain outside NATO. «NATO has already expanded far beyond what we need for an anti-hegemonic coalition» against Russia, said Elbridge Colby, who is reportedly expected to hold a senior national security position in a second Trump administration.

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