Russians Strike Residential Area in Kyiv District of Kharkiv: 14 Injured, Including an 8-Year-Old Boy and an Infant

Explosions were heard in Kharkiv during an air raid alert.

Mayor Ihor Terekhov reported the incident, stating, «Preliminarily, the strikes occurred in a nearby suburb. The exact location is still being determined.»

Regional Governor Oleh Syniehubov confirmed that three airstrikes were recorded in the Kyiv district of Kharkiv. Mayor Terekhov specified that the attacks targeted a residential area.

«We have information about the destruction of one house and damage to another. A child was rescued from the ruins,» he added. Another child is still trapped under the rubble, according to the mayor.

Governor Syniehubov reported that two private houses were destroyed. As of 4:45 PM, four people were known to be injured.

«An 8-year-old boy, a 74-year-old woman, and a 75-year-old man have been hospitalized. A 38-year-old man received medical assistance at the scene,» Syniehubov said.

Later, Mayor Terekhov clarified that the information about a child being trapped under the rubble was not confirmed.

By 5:12 PM, Mayor Ihor Terekhov reported that the number of injured had risen to six.

«At the two impact sites, there are six injured in total. Three of them, including the 8-year-old boy, have been hospitalized,» he wrote.

The Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor’s Office reported that the number of people injured in the airstrikes on the Kyiv district of Kharkiv had increased to 14, including an 8-year-old boy and a two-week-old infant.

According to investigators, around 4:00 PM, Russian forces carried out three airstrikes on Kharkiv. One strike hit an open area on the outskirts of the city, while the other two struck residential areas in the Kyiv district. The attackers used UMPB D-30 aerial bombs from the Belgorod region of Russia.

The shelling damaged private houses, apartment buildings, cars, a post office, a service station, and a gym.

A pre-trial investigation has been launched for violations of the laws and customs of war (Part 1, Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The Prosecutor’s Office also released photos showing the aftermath of the latest Russian shelling in Kharkiv.

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