One Killed, Two Injured in Shelling of Selydove in Donetsk Region: PHOTO REPORT

On July 2, Russian forces launched an airstrike on the city of Selydove in the Donetsk region. As a result of the shelling, one person was killed and two others were injured.

This information was shared by the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration on his Telegram channel.

«The city came under fire today in the middle of the day – the Russians once again struck civilians with an aerial bomb. Currently, it is known that a 63-year-old woman was killed. The injured are receiving all necessary medical care,» said Filashkin.

Additionally, 24 houses and 2 vehicles were damaged in the city.

«I emphasize once again: staying in the Donetsk region is dangerous! Take care of yourselves – evacuate!» urged the head of the Regional Military Administration.

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