May Sees Highest Civilian Casualties in Nearly a Year Due to Russian Attacks — UN Report

In May, the number of civilian casualties caused by Russian attacks in Ukraine reached its highest level in almost a year.

The intensification of Russian army attacks this spring has led to significant civilian casualties and substantial damage to civilian property and infrastructure. According to a new report by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), prepared by the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU), the number of civilian casualties in May was the highest in nearly a year.

The report covers the human rights situation in Ukraine from March 1 to May 31, 2024. It highlights the impact on human rights, particularly from new large-scale Russian attacks on critical energy infrastructure that began in March and the offensive in Kharkiv Oblast in May.

«May saw the highest number of civilian casualties in nearly a year, with spring fighting causing devastating losses among civilians, especially in Kharkiv and Kharkiv Oblast,» said HRMMU head Danielle Bell.

The UN Monitoring Mission identified the use of powerful aerial bombs and missiles in populated areas, as well as at least five incidents of consecutive attacks on the same location within a short time frame, as primary causes of significant civilian damage.

According to the UN, this spring, Russia launched its largest campaign of attacks on critical energy infrastructure since the winter of 2022-2023. These attacks resulted in civilian deaths and injuries and affected millions of people across the country.

«Five waves of attacks on energy infrastructure led to civilian casualties and significant power outages for millions of people nationwide, with cascading effects on water supply, mobile and internet communications, and public transportation,» Bell stated.

She also noted that the full impact of the attacks on energy infrastructure would only become clear this winter.

Previously, it was reported that in May, at least 174 civilians were killed, and 690 were injured in Ukraine, according to the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine. This number of civilian casualties is the highest since June 2023.

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