Eliminated occupiers near Ukrainian positions in Kharkiv region: «They just send f#ckheads for meat. Here’s a f#cker. There are two more dudes there. Well, planting is full». VIDEO 18+ 

According to he fighter calls the Russian attacks «meat assaults» and swears obscenely at the enemy. The recording shows at least eight killed invaders. Warning: Not recommended for people with unstable mental health! 

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Female Assault Trooper from the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade Covers Comrades in Trenches Under Fire: VIDEO

As known, women also participate in battles on the front lines. Fighters of the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade have released a GoPro video showcasing their experiences. The footage shows a female assault trooper from Kharkiv firing at the enemy, assisting the wounded, and enduring shelling under the constant threat of enemy drones. «A typical routine…

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Snipers Eliminate Occupants Near Chasiv Yar at Night: VIDEO

A video has been published online showing fragments of the combat operations of Ukrainian snipers near Chasiv Yar. The nighttime footage captures shots fired by the soldiers at occupants attempting to approach Ukrainian positions. «Nighttime footage of the brilliant work of a group of Ukrainian snipers near Chasiv Yar in the Donetsk region. Our fighters…

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Fire Breaks Out in Kursk, Russia: Central Aviation Technical Base No. 3754 Ablaze. VIDEO

A fire has erupted in Kursk, Russia, reportedly at a military facility. Social media posts with videos show flames engulfing an area believed to be on Karl Marx Street, where the 3754th Central Aviation Technical Base (military unit 13830) is located. The fire is suspected to have started in the vehicle park of the 3754th…

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