Active Frontline Expands with Superior Bombers and FPV Drones, Says Syrskyi

Oleksandr Syrskyi

Главнокомандующий Вооруженных сил Украины Александр Сырский, который провел неделю в восточных регионах, доложил о ситуации на Покровском направлении. Он отметил необходимость дополнительных боеприпасов и огневых средств в этом районе.

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as shared on Facebook, Syrskyi detailed his observations. He spent the week on the Eastern Front, visiting nearly all brigades in the Pokrovske, Kurakhove, Vremivka, Toretsk, and Kramatorsk areas, as well as those engaged in combat in Vovchansk and near Kharkiv.

Syrskyi expressed his gratitude to the soldiers, sergeants, and junior officers who bear the brunt of the intense fighting. He noted that fierce battles of varying intensity are ongoing everywhere. Compared to his previous visit two weeks ago, the Toretsk direction has seen significant action, with the 95th Air Assault Brigade daily reducing the number of attacking enemy forces.

Pokrovske Direction

The situation remains challenging in the Pokrovske direction. The enemy, aiming to breach our defenses, has once again rotated its assault units, whose combat capability had been completely depleted, and continues its offensive actions. Despite high losses in armored vehicles, the enemy persists in using them in conjunction with intense artillery fire and FPV drone strikes.

Although our units have been reinforced with reserves, this direction requires constant attention and the provision of additional ammunition and firepower.

Situation in Other Directions

While the intensity of combat has decreased in other areas, the active frontline has expanded.

Commander-in-Chief’s Mission

«My mission remains to study the situation directly in combat areas, address issues promptly without bureaucratic procedures, learn from our troops’ combat experience, implement this knowledge in training, and provide effective support to commanders in planning and conducting operations,» Syrskyi stated.

Currently, the main issues for commanders at all levels are:

  • Recruiting motivated, well-trained personnel for units.
  • Providing modern electronic warfare and air defense systems capable of effectively countering enemy UAVs.

«However, we have an advantage in the number and quality of combat copters, particularly bombers and FPV drones, and the skill of their operators. This is key to our success and the preservation of our soldiers’ lives,» Syrskyi emphasized.

Upon his return, Syrskyi began implementing proposals to improve the tactical medicine system and integrate it into the Medical Forces hierarchy, enhancing the speed and quality of medical care.

«Another critical change is adapting the basic training program for soldiers to operate in conditions of complete drone dominance on the battlefield,» Syrskyi added.

The Commander-in-Chief also announced an upcoming meeting with UAV unit commanders to exchange experiences on the use and further development of this promising type of weaponry.

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