84 Occupiers and 38 Units of Russian Equipment Destroyed in Southern Region in One Day

Defensive forces in the southern region continue to inflict fire damage on enemy locations, firing positions, and rear areas. During the day, 84 occupiers were destroyed.

This was reported by the Southern Defense Forces.

It is noted that confirmation was received during the day of a reduction in the number of enemy personnel by 84 individuals.

Additionally, Russians lost 38 units of equipment and military machinery, including:

  • 1 multiple launch rocket system;
  • 5 artillery pieces;
  • 7 mortars;
  • 21 armored vehicles;
  • 1 motorcycle;
  • 2 boats;
  • 1 ATV.

In addition, Ukrainian defenders destroyed 6 field supply points, 5 observation posts, a communication node, and an observation command post.

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